When Avon folded its traditional Regency line, Suzanne was encouraged to try her hand at historical romance.

A second Regency, Angel’s Devil, followed that Fall. This ultimately led to the publication of her first book, The Black Duke’s Prize, from Avon Books in the Spring of 1995. After several encouraging rejections from publishers, she snared the interest of the world’s best and most patient literary agent, who advised her to revise the manuscript. She dabbled in romantic fantasy writing for a year or two after graduating with a degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, until her affection for traditional Regency romances led her to write one for fun. Thankfully at the same time the movie “Star Wars” premiered, and she realized that she could make up adventures and write about them, and not be eaten by deadly predators while doing research.

Early dreams of becoming a zoologist and writing true stories about her adventures in Africa were crushed, however, after she viewed a television special about the world’s most poisonous snakes she did NOT want to write about how she’d been bitten and lost a limb to a cobra. In the way that some people are born knowing they want to be astronauts or cellists, Suzanne always knew she wanted to be a writer. Suzanne was born in Southern California sometime in the latter half of the 20th century.